%0 Journal Article %T High-precision, large-domain three-dimensional manipulation of nano-materials for fabrication nanodevices %A Zou Rujia %A Yu Li %A Zhang Zhenyu %A Chen Zhigang %J Nanoscale Research Letters %D 2011 %I Springer %X Nanoscaled materials are attractive building blocks for hierarchical assembly of functional nanodevices, which exhibit diverse performances and simultaneous functions. We innovatively fabricated semiconductor nano-probes of tapered ZnS nanowires through melting and solidifying by electro-thermal process; and then, as-prepared nano-probes can manipulate nanomaterials including semiconductor/metal nanowires and nanoparticles through sufficiently electrostatic force to the desired location without structurally and functionally damage. With some advantages of high precision and large domain, we can move and position and interconnect individual nanowires for contracting nanodevices. Interestingly, by the manipulating technique, the nanodevice made of three vertically interconnecting nanowires, i.e., diode, was realized and showed an excellent electrical property. This technique may be useful to fabricate electronic devices based on the nanowires' moving, positioning, and interconnecting and may overcome fundamental limitations of conventional mechanical fabrication. %K nano-probe %K ZnS nanowire %K manipulation %K TEM-STM %K nanodevices %U http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/473