%0 Journal Article %T DISE O DE UN PROCEDIMIENTO PARA REALIZAR EL AUTOCONTROL DEL SISTEMA DE GESTI車N INTEGRADO DE CAPITAL HUMANO / DESIGN OF A PROCEDURE TO DEVELOP THE SELF-CONTROL TO THE INTEGRATED HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM %A Roxana Gonz芍lez-Alvarez %A Gretel Torres-Est谷vez %A Marle P谷rez-De Armas %A Noel Varela-Izquierdo %J Ingenier赤a Industrial %D 2012 %I Instituto Superior Polit谷cnico Jos谷 Antonio Echeverr赤a (Cujae) %X La investigaci車n considera como caso de estudio la experiencia de la Empresa Comercializadora de Combustibles de Cienfuegos (ECC), la cual trabaja en implantar el Sistema de Gesti車n Integrada de Capital Humano (SGICH) desde el a o 2008. En el presente art赤culo se exponen los resultados del proceso de autocontrol realizado al SGICH en la ECC, visualizando las experiencias obtenidas desde el comienzo del proceso de implantaci車n del Modelo de Gesti車n Integrada de Capital Humano. El autocontrol se realiza utilizando la metodolog赤a del ciclo Deming y las herramientas propias que plantea el modelo (tecnolog赤a de diagn車stico), as赤 como entrevistas, tormenta de ideas, revisi車n de documentos, t谷cnicas de normaci車n de competencias, de mapeo de proceso y trabajo con expertos. Para el procesamiento de los datos obtenidos se utiliza el paquete estad赤stico SPSS versi車n 16.0 y el Microsoft Excel. Finalmente, se propone un procedimiento enfocado a facilitar el desarrollo del autocontrol al SGICH como proceso de mejora continua y que, adem芍s, permita la certificaci車n de la empresa seg迆n los requisitos de las Normas Cubanas 3000.The investigation takes as a case of study the experience of Cienfuegos's Fuel Trading Company (ECC), which works in the implementation of the Integrated Human Capital Management System since 2008. This system is integrated by eight processes, being the self-control one of them. The results of the self-control process to the human capital management system in the ECC are exposed in the present article, visualizing the experiences obtained from the beginning of the implementation process of the Integrated Human Capital Management Model. The self-control is carried out using the methodology of the Deming cycle and the very own tools that are presented by the model (technology of diagnostic), as well as others: interviews, brainstorming, review of documents, techniques of regulation of competences, mapping of processes and the work with experts. For the processing of obtained data we used the statistical package SPSS version 16.0 and Microsoft Excel. Finally a procedure is proposed, focusing in making easier the development of the self-control to the Integrated Human Capital Management System like a process of continual improvement and that it also allows the certification of the enterprise according to the requirements established in the Cuban Standards 3000. %K autocontrol del Sistema de Gesti車n Integrada de Capital Humano %K mejora continua %K acci車n preventiva %K acci車n correctiva %K self-control of the Integrated Human Capital Management System %K continual improvement %K preventive action %K corrective action %U http://rii.cujae.edu.cu/index.php/revistaind/article/view/354