%0 Journal Article %T ¡°Filtro c¡± para la fuente de alimentaci¨®n de un inversor trif¨¢sico. Una curiosidad t¨¦cnica %A Alberto N. Basanta %J Ingenier¨ªa Energ¨¦tica %D 2010 %I %X In this document you will find a useful and easy to remember mathematical expression that will help you tocalculate the capacitance value needed in the single-phase, full-wave, bridge rectifier to be used as apower supply for a three-phase inverter in a low power variable frequency motor drive application. Also thisexpression could be used in any other application where a 10% ripple in the power supply voltage signal ispermitted. %K power supply of CD to Inverter. Single-phase bridge full-wave rectifier whit capacitor filter %U http://revistascientificas.cujae.edu.cu/.RevistasEnergeticaVol-XXXI2-201013-17_