%0 Journal Article %T Atat¨ırk and the University Reform (1933) %A Y¨ıcel NAMAL %A Tunay KARAK£żK %J Y¨ıksek£ż£żretim ve Bilim Dergisi %D 2011 %I B¨ılent Ecevit University %X Dar¨ılf¨ınun, which was the first and unique higher education institute during the Ottoman period and the first ten years of Turkish Republic, had a conservative character against a revolutionist society. In the opinion of some governers and scientists at that time, Dar¨ılf¨ınun produced graduates without notion, critisism and interogation, and remained insensitive to country's problems. Based on the report by invited Swiss Professor Albert Malche and by Atat¨ırk's order, the first higher education reform was made. The 2252 Code aimed at building up a modern university was introduced in 1933. In accordance with Malche's report and Atat¨ırk's reform, European model of administration and education was accepted in Turkish universities. %K Atat¨ırk %K University %K Reform %K Dar¨ılf¨ınun %K Albert Malche %U http://higheredu-sci.org/pdf.php3?id=1519