%0 Journal Article %T EL D¨¦FICIT CIVILIZATORIO DE NUESTRO R¨¦GIMEN POL¨ªTICO. LA OTRA ANOMAL¨ªA EN UNA PERSPECTIVA COMPARADA DEFICIT CIVILIZING OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM. THE OTHER FAULT IN A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE %A Francisco Guti¨¦rrez San¨ªn %J An¨¢lisis Pol¨ªtico %D 2012 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X Este art¨ªculo se pregunta si nos encontramos frente a una anomal¨ªa genuina, a la luz tanto de los intentos de resolverla como de la literatura sobre la relaci¨®n entre democracia y represi¨®n. La primera parte fija los conceptos b¨¢sicos de esta anomal¨ªa: democracia, represi¨®n, y represi¨®n depredadora. A la vez, presenta la teor¨ªa b¨¢sica de la relaci¨®n entre democracia y represi¨®n, la llamada "teor¨ªa de la paz interna" (interior). La segunda parte discute los intentos de disolver la anomal¨ªa, eliminando uno de sus t¨¦rminos: sea la democracia, sea la represi¨®n. La tercera se concentra en una explicaci¨®n clavede la anomal¨ªa: existe porque el pa¨ªs est¨¢ en guerra. La cuarta debate una combinaci¨®n de la disoluci¨®n y la explicaci¨®n: el contenido real de nuestro r¨¦gimen pol¨ªtico es la exclusi¨®n social, y eso explicar¨ªa el d¨¦ficit civilizatorio de la democracia colombiana. This article wonders if we are facing a genuine anomaly in the light both of the attempts to resolve it as literature on the relationship between democracy and repression. The first part sets out the basics of this anomaly: democracy, repression, and repression predatory. At the same time, presents the basic theory of the relationship between democracy and repression, the "inner peace theory" (interior). The second part discusses the attempts to dissolve the anomaly, eliminating one of its terms: is democracy, is repression. The third focuses on a key explanation of the anomaly: there because the country is at war. The fourth debate a combination of solution and explanation: the actual content of our political system is social exclusion, and that would explain the deficit of democracy Colombian civilization. %K r¨¦gimen pol¨ªtico %K democracia %K represi¨®n %K conflicto %K Colombia %K political regime %K democracy %K repression %K conflict %K Colombia %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0121-47052012000300004