%0 Journal Article %T EFFECT OF NUMBER OF FUNCTIONAL LEAVES AT FLOWERING ON YIELD OF BANANA GRAND NAINE (Musa AAA Simmonds) EFECTO DEL N迆MERO DE HOJAS FUNCIONALES A LA FLORACI車N SOBRE LA PRODUCCI車N DE BANANO GRAN ENANO (Musa AAA Simmonds) %A Carolina Rodr赤guez Gonz芍lez %A Daniel Gerardo Cay車n Salinas %A John Jairo Mira Castillo %J Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronom赤a, Medell赤n %D 2012 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medell赤n %X . The effect of the selective removal of leaves at flowering on yield, growth, maturity and quality of Grand Nain banana fruits was evaluated. The present study was conducted in three regions of Urab芍 (Colombia) with precipitation low (experiment 1), medium (experiment 2) and high (experiment 3). The experimental design used randomized complete blocks, four treatments (6, 8, 10 and 12 leaves from the start of flowering) and three replications. Every 15 days, the thickness (cm) and length (cm) of central fruit from the second hand were measured and two fruits were taken to record fresh weight and dry weight. At harvest, leaf number, bunch weight (kg), and the thickness (cm) and length (cm) of central fruit from the second hand were measured. During fruit ripening (8 and 15 days), the contents of starch and sugars in the pulp were determined. The thickness and length of the fruit, bunch weight and the box-stem ratio were not affected (P<0.05) by selectively removing leaves. The percentages of total sugars and starch during fruit ripening were unchanged (P<0.05) as a result of the number of functional leaves. These results suggest that in banana cultivation, it is possible to leave less than 12 leaves at flowering without affecting fruit quality or postharvest ripening. Resumen. Se evalu車 el efecto de la eliminaci車n selectiva de hojas a la floraci車n sobre la producci車n, crecimiento, maduraci車n y calidad de los frutos de banano Gran Enano. El estudio se realiz車 en tres zonas de Urab芍 (Colombia), con precipitaci車n baja (experimento 1), media (experimento 2) y alta (experimento 3). Se us車 un dise o de bloques completamente al azar, cuatro tratamientos (6, 8, 10 y 12 hojas desde el inicio de floraci車n) y tres repeticiones. Cada 15 d赤as se midieron el grosor (cm) y la longitud (cm) del fruto central de la segunda mano y se tomaron dos frutos m芍s para registrar el peso fresco y el peso seco. A la cosecha se midieron el n迆mero de hojas, el peso del racimo (kg), el grosor (cm) y la longitud (cm) del fruto central de la segunda mano. Durante la maduraci車n de los frutos (8 y 15 d赤as) se determinaron los contenidos de almid車n y az迆cares en la pulpa. El grosor y la longitud del fruto, peso del racimo y la cantidad de cajas a partir de un racimo (ratio), no fueron afectados (P<0,05) por la eliminaci車n selectiva de hojas. Los porcentajes de almid車n y az迆cares totales durante la maduraci車n de los frutos no variaron (P<0,05) como consecuencia del n迆mero de hojas funcionales presentes. Estos resultados sugieren que en el cultivo de banano, es posible dejar las plan %K Defoliaci車n %K crecimiento %K poscosecha %K az迆cares totales %K Leaf pruning %K growth %K postharvest %K total sugars %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0304-28472012000200003