%0 Journal Article %T Edgar Morin, Pierre Nora, Michel Onfray, et al., Des Intellectuels jugent les m¨¦dias %A Nolwenn Mingant %J InMedia : the French Journal of Media and Media Representations in the English-Speaking World %D 2012 %I Center for Research on the English-Speaking World (CREW) %X Des intellectuels jugent les m¨¦dias is a collection of interviews published in French magazine M¨¦dias over the past five years. The ¡®intellectuals¡¯ in question are renowned philosophers (Daniel Bougnoux, Andr¨¦ Compte-Sponville, R¨¦gis Debray, Yves Michaud, Michel Onfray, the Spanish Fernando Savater), historians (Marcel Gauchet, Pierre Nora), sociologists (Edgar Morin), and essayists (Philippe Sollers, Paul Virilio). In publishing these interviews, Mordicus Editions aims to help people to ¡®bet... %U http://inmedia.revues.org/155