%0 Journal Article %T Skills and Competencies Set Forth by Bologna Process in Higher Education %A Firdevs G¨¹NE£¿ %J Y¨¹ksek£¿£¿retim ve Bilim Dergisi %D 2012 %I B¨¹lent Ecevit University %X Scientific and technological advances of today, force the universities to train more qualified individuals. That needs to increase the quality of educational programs and practices, and requires constant updating in universities. So within the framework of the ¡°Bologna Process¡± higher education programs have been started to be updated in our country. These studies, carried out to develop the skills and competencies of students' knowledge with student-centered educational approach. Besides a variety of knowledge and skills, ability to work independently and assume responsibility, learning, communication and social competence skills, such as domain specific competencies and professional competence is intended to gain to the students. This approach needs to teaching cognitive (logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (manual skills, methods, materials, tools to use) skills, that is to say language, mental, social and emotional skills in higher education. Teaching of skills is different from teaching of the information in methods and practice. Therefore the universities should be developed for the assessment of teaching and coaching skills. Otherwise, the rote teaching of information will inevitably grow and achieving the goals of higher education will be difficult. %K The Bologna process %K Higher education %K Skill %K Competency %U http://higheredu-sci.org/pdf.php3?id=1549