%0 Journal Article %T Physical self-concept of normal-weight and overweight adolescents: Gender specificities %A Lazarevi£¿ Du£¿anka %A Radisavljevi£¿-Jani£¿ Sne£¿ana %A Milanovi£¿ Ivana %A Lazarevi£¿ Ljiljana B. %J Zbornik Instituta za Pedago£¿ka Istra£¿ivanja %D 2011 %I Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade %R 10.2298/zipi1102347l %X Previous researchers have described the relation between physical self-concept and body mass in adolescents, but those relationships have not been clearly specified by gender. The purpose of this study is to explore physical self-concepts of normal-weight and over-weight Serbian adolescents with respect to gender. The sample consisted of 417 primary school students (229 boys and 188 girls) with the average age 13.6 (SD=0.73) years who were divided into normal-weight and overweight groups according to body mass index. To assess the multidimensional physical self-concept, Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) was administered. Results showed that overweight adolescents had significantly lower scores than normal-weight on all PSDQ scales except Health and Strength. Differences were greater among girls than boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the scales Body Fat, Endurance and Sports Competence best differentiated normal-weight boys from other students. Also, discriminant analysis showed that, besides the scale Body Fat, scales Flexibility, Self-Esteem, and Coordination best differentiated normal-weight girls from other students. Results indicate that for better understanding of the relationship between adolescent¡¯s physical self-concept and body mass one must take gender into account. Results are potentially valuable for preventing overweight through physical education. %K physical self-concept %K overweight %K adolescents %K healthy lifestyle %K physical education %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0579-6431/2011/0579-64311102347L.pdf