%0 Journal Article %T "Bet you think this song is about you": Whose Narrative Is It in Narrative Research? %A Ruthellen Josselson %J Narrative Works %D 2011 %I The Electronic Text Centre %X This paper examines the dilemmas in narrative research created by the gaps between the authority of experience (the participant¡¯s understanding of his or her life) and the authority of expertise (the researcher¡¯s interpretive analysis of that life). It raises the question of who, at various levels, "owns" the narrative. Using a detailed case example, the paper explores the relationship between authority and authorship as it contrasts the researcher¡¯s intention and the participant¡¯s reactions to what is presented. Ethical dilemmas that ensue are not easily managed, but a suggestion is offered. The dynamics of narcissism that underlie the interpersonal stress of telling another¡¯s life are also considered. %U http://journals.hil.unb.ca/index.php/NW/article/view/18472/19971