%0 Journal Article %T Integrating Service-Learning Pedagogy: A Faculty Reflective Process %A Carmen Carracelas-Juncal %A PhD %A Jenny Bossaller %A PhD %A Gallayanee Yaoyuneyong %A PhD %J InSight : A Journal of Scholarly Teaching %D 2009 %I Park University %X Research on service-learning has focused mainly on student outcomes. However, this study addresses the transformative change that three faculty members from different disciplines experienced during a semester-long fellowship on service-learning as a pedagogical method. Through their personal reflections, the authors show how service-learning and the scholarship of teaching were intertwined as they engaged in course redesign. This experience went beyond creating an academic service-learning course to transforming the teachers into reflective practitioners actively engaged in systematically improving their teaching practice. %K Service-Learning %K Education %K Pedagogy %U http://www.insightjournal.net/Volume4/IntegratingServiceLearningPedagogyFacultyReflectiveProcess.pdf