%0 Journal Article %T Achievements in mental health outcome measurement in Australia: Reflections on progress made by the Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN) %A Philip Burgess %A Tim Coombs %A Adam Clarke %A Rosemary Dickson %A Jane Pirkis %J International Journal of Mental Health Systems %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1752-4458-6-4 %X We conducted a desktop review of relevant documents to summarise the history of AMHOCN.AMHOCN has operated within a framework that has provided an overarching structure to guide its activities but has been flexible enough to allow it to respond to changing priorities. With no precedents to draw upon, it has undertaken activities in an iterative fashion with an element of ¡®trial and error¡¯. It has taken a multi-pronged approach to ensuring that data are of high quality: developing innovative technical solutions; fostering ¡®information literacy¡¯; maximising the clinical utility of data at a local level; and producing reports that are meaningful to a range of audiences.AMHOCN¡¯s efforts have contributed to routine outcome measurement gaining a firm foothold in Australia¡¯s public sector mental health services. %U http://www.ijmhs.com/content/6/1/4/abstract