%0 Journal Article %T Democracy and Communication: The Aesthetical Effects of Politics %A Charalambos Tsekeris %J Intellectum %D 2008 %I Intellectum Scientific Society %X The growing aesthetical effect of politics is approached through a critical sociological view which renders extremely problematic the relations between communication and democracy, mass media and political debate. The conclusion, however, reflectively focuses more on the complexity of the modern media-democratic processes than the unconsidered pessimism, the facile categorical discourse and the widely known simplified anathemas. %K aesthetical effect of politics %K communication and democracy %K mass media and political debate %K infotainment %K modern media-democratic processes %K 忖灰米羊百老汐而 汐 %K 戎羽牝百羊牝糸肋糸 汐 %K 式牝考牟灰而牝百羊羽羊 灰考灰 而羊耒 旭羊竹牝而牝百羊 %U http://www.intellectum.org/articles/issues/intellectum4/ITL04P027034_Dimokratia_epikoinonia.pdf