%0 Journal Article %T SIGNIFICANSE AND CARACTERISTISC OF EFECTIVE SALES PROMOTION MANAGEMENT IN CONTEMPORARY MARKET %A Sanja £¿ori£¿ %J Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Isto£¿nom Sarajevu %D 2011 %I Ekonomski fakultet u Isto?nom Sarajevu %X This paper is based on the factsthat today¡¯s market is very concentrated andsaturated, especially consumer goods market, andthat companies are forced to invest significantassets in marketing activities in order to increasesales volume and profit. Investments in media arebecoming very expensive, so in the last couple ofdecades, the ratio of marketing investments inmedia is shifting towards promotion activities at thepoint of sale, that is, in favor of sales promotions.The paper lists the main types of promotionalactivities and their characteristics. Also, itdescribes sales promotion mechanisms and theireffects. It defines the phases management goesthrough in creating, implementing and evaluatingpromotional strategy and emphasizes the need forgood, clear and effective communication betweenmarketing and sales departments. In this paper aspecial attention is dedicated to evaluation ofpromotional results, as well as to models used forthat purpose. This paper, through classification anddescription of sales promotion elements, has tocreate a platform for better understanding ofpromotion activities. The main goal of this paper isto emphasize importance of the leading salespromotion drivers, such as increase of the salesvolume and profit. %K sales promotion %K marketing strategy %K product positioning %K incremental sales volume %K promotion evaluation %U http://www.ekofis.org/images/dokumenti/Aktivnosti/zr2011/Mr%20Sanja%20Coric.pdf