%0 Journal Article %T Globalizaci¨®n y proliferaci¨®n de fronteras: una rese a de los estudios cr¨ªticos de fronteras %A Ari JERREMS %J Relaciones Internacionales %D 2012 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma de Madrid %X Review Essay de:BISWAS, Shampa y NAIR, Sheila (eds.), International Relations and States of Exception: Margins, Peripheries, and Excluded Bodies, Routledge, Oxon, 2010.DE GENOVA, Nicholas y PEUTZ, Nathalie (eds.), The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space and the Freedom of Movement, Duke University Press, Durham, 2010.NYERS, Peter y RYGIEL, Kim (eds.), Citizenship, Migrant Activism and the Politics of Movement, Routledge, Londres, 2012.SQUIRE, Vicki (ed.), The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity, Routledge, Londres, 2011.VAUGHAN-WILLIAMS, Nick, Border politics: the limits of sovereign power, Edinburgh University Press, Edimburgo, 2009. %K Fronteras %K poder %K borders %K power %U http://www.relacionesinternacionales.info/ojs/article/view/393/322.html