%0 Journal Article %T AGRARIAN RELATIONS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA DURING THE TURKISH AND AUSTRO - HUNGARIAN OCCUPATION, AND THEIR REMOVAL WITH AGRARIAN REFORM FROM 1919 TO 1931 %A Joko Sparavalo %J Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Isto£¿nom Sarajevu %D 2011 %I Ekonomski fakultet u Isto?nom Sarajevu %X At the start we give a brief surveyof the relations of production in the currentdevelopment of human society. This is done fromthe standpoint of Marx's notion of productiverelations. Then we discuss about relations ofproduction in agriculture, addressed as agrarianrelations. They are very different from the relationsof production in other areas of the economy. Thisresults from the specificity of agriculture. Infeudalism, they are the essence of social relations.With the economic development their influence isdecreasing, but in capitalism they also have certaincharacteristics. Turkish military-feudal system wasthe essential feature of the Asian mode ofproduction. The Turkish occupation of Bosnia andHerzegovina lasted for more than four centuries.Military-feudal system was significantly differentfrom the feudalism of Western Europe. Statedisposition of land and appropriation of rents areincorporated into the strategy of conquest of newand preservation of the occupied territories.Islamization has contributed to strengthening andthe long duration of that system. The way ofappropriation of labor surplus significantly slowedthe economic development of Bosnia andHerzegovina. Austro-Hungarian occupationauthorities accounted for some positivedevelopments in agriculture, but did not abolishfeudal relations Agrarian reform (1919.-1931).removed from the feudal relations in agriculture,Bosnia and Herzegovina and created the initialconditions for the development of capitalism. %K Asian mode of production %K relations of production %K agrarian relations %K the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian occupation %K agrarian reform. %U http://www.ekofis.org/images/dokumenti/Aktivnosti/zr2011/Dr%20Joko%20Sparavalo.pdf