%0 Journal Article %T Relationship between genotype ¨C technological environment and productive performances in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix) %A Vasile Cighi %A Teofil Oroian %A Simona Pa£¿cal£¿u %A Dorel Dronca %J Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry %D 2011 %I Bioflux Society %X The continuous growth of living standards and consumption capacity of human society,require raising the share of animal production by: increasing the number of animals, improving theirproductive potential, improving technology and the effective operation of all forage resources. Inachieving these goals and in particular the improvement of the productive potential of animals, aprofound knowledge of the laws and phenomena that lead to the formation, development and evolutionof animal body is imperative. In studying these issues we should consider the following premise: theanimal body, the whole complex of qualities morpho-physiological posed at a time, is the result of theinteraction between hereditary factors and environmental conditions in which the organism develops.To sense the presence of the genotype - environment interaction and its estimation of the productioncharacter in Japanese quail eggs (Coturnix coturnix) we conducted an experiment using a randomextracted sample of the population, in which we observed egg production according to the duration ofthe photoperiod. The experiment was organized according to an experimental plan which includedrepeated measurement blocks. This has the advantage that it does not have to produce geneticallyuniform biological material, because the same individual is subject to different treatments duringsuccessive periods of time. This fact requires a decrease in the influence of genetic structures on theexperimental results, so that differences arising between experimental variations are due toexperimental treatments applied alone. To determine the genotype ¨C environment interaction for theJapanese quail egg production character, the experimental data was statistically processed by testingthe differences between the average values of two samples (Student) and using the analysis ofvariance (Fisher test). From direct analysis of raw data and average values of the egg production inJapanese quail, it can be said that the influence of light is very strong, and this is why the duration andintensity of artificial lighting are very important for directing technological factors of production andreproduction of this species. Experiments on this species confirm the existence of the genotype ¨Cenvironment interaction for the learning factor levels we have analyzed and considered. The interactionwas highlighted by the phenotypic correlation coefficients (0.87, 0.42, 0.39) and by the differencesbetween mean values of three samples. These differences are statistically insured for the threshold of0.1%, and nonetheless by the interacti %K Japanese quail %K Coturnix %K animal production %K genotype %K technological environment %U http://www.abah.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2011.3.110-114.pdf