%0 Journal Article %T Distribution des alcalo des dans les parties a¨¦riennes de Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. du Maroc Distribution of alkaloids in the aerial parts of Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. in Morocco %A Fdil Rabiaa %A El Hamdani Nawal %A El Kihel Abdellatif %A Sraidi Khadija %J Annales de Toxicologie Analytique %D 2012 %I %R 10.1051/ata/2012016 %X Introduction : Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. fait partie de la famille des Fabaceae. C¡¯est une esp¨¨ce tr¨¨s utilis¨¦e en m¨¦decine populaire marocaine, certaines de ses propri¨¦t¨¦s biologiques et pharmacologiques ont ¨¦t¨¦ scientifiquement prouv¨¦es et sont probablement li¨¦es ¨¤ la pr¨¦sence d¡¯alcalo des. Mat¨¦riels et m¨¦thodes : Les parties a¨¦riennes (tiges, feuilles, graines) d¡¯un sp¨¦cimen sauvage ont ¨¦t¨¦ r¨¦colt¨¦es dans la commune de Haouzia (El Jadida, Maroc). Les alcalo des ont ¨¦t¨¦ extraits de chaque partie de la plante par du m¨¦thanol puis analys¨¦s par chromatographie gazeuse coupl¨¦e ¨¤ la spectrom¨¦trie de masse. R¨¦sultats : Le contenu en alcalo des varie d¡¯un organe ¨¤ l¡¯autre. Treize alcalo des connus ont ¨¦t¨¦ identifi¨¦s. La cytisine, la spart¨¦ine, l¡¯ammodendrine et l¡¯anagyrine sont les compos¨¦s majoritaires. Le profil chimique des tiges est qualitativement tr¨¨s proche de celui des feuilles. Les graines ne montrent pas la m¨ºme diversit¨¦ en terme de structures chimiques. Conclusion : Les profils m¨¦taboliques trouv¨¦s pour les trois parties de la plante d¡¯origine marocaine diff¨¨rent largement de ceux report¨¦s dans la litt¨¦rature pour les esp¨¨ces Retama. Introduction: Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. is a member of the family Fabaceae. This species is widely used in Moroccan folk medicine; some of its biological and pharmacological properties have been proven by several authors and are probably related to the presence of alkaloids. Materials and methods: The aerial parts (stems, leaves, seeds) of a wild specimen were collected in the municipality of Haouzia (El Jadida, Morocco). The alkaloids were extracted from each part of the plant with methanol and then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results and discussion: The alkaloid content varies from one organ to another. Thirteen known alkaloids were identified. Cytisine, sparteine, ammodendrine and anagyrine are the major compounds. The chemical profile of stems is qualitatively very similar to that of leaves. The seeds do not show the same diversity in terms of chemical structure. Conclusion: The metabolic profiles found for the three plant parts of Moroccan origin differ widely from those reported in the literature for the species Retama. %K Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. %K alkaloids %K cytisine %K sparteine %K GC-MS %K Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. %K alcalo des %K cytisine %K spart¨¦ine %K CPG-SM %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/ata/2012016