%0 Journal Article %T REGIMES DE TEMPERATURA DO AR EM REGI O MONTANHOSA / REGIMES OF AIR TEMPERATURE IN MOUNTAIN REGION %A Pabr¨Şcio Marcos Oliveira Lopes %A Dalton de Morisson Valeriano %J Revista Geogr¨˘fica Acad¨şmica %D 2009 %I Universidade Federal de Goi¨˘s %X This work evaluates the Mountain Climate Simulator (MTCLIM) in the extrapolation of minimum and maximum daily air temperatures in the region of the Serra of Mantiqueira, Brazil, using data from DCP (Automatic Data Collection Platform) in different sky conditions in the year of 2003. Comparison between simulated results and data of DCP were conducted though linear regression analysis. Data from DCP localized in city from Queluz in S o Paulo were used to extrapolation minimum and maximum daily air temperature in 271 points of the sierra. The results obtained to locations with the same altitude showed that the model overestimated maximum daily (Tx) and underestimated minimum (Tn) independent of sky conditions. The locations different elevations and clear skies, the model estimated the Tx with good agreement and an error of 1.4ˇăC. With the inclusion of cloud cover, the model improved the estimate of Tx, but the error increased to 1.7ˇăC. The presence of clouds reduced the spatial distribution of maximum monthly in the mountain. The absence of clouds caused decrease in the minimum monthly. The model can be applied to station at the same altitude. The regime monthly of temperature presents similar regime to the regional seasonal variability. %K MTCLIM model %K climatic variables %K cloudy %U http://www.rga.ggf.br/index.php?journal=rga&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=81&path%5B%5D=64