%0 Journal Article %T LEVANTAMENTO FITOGEOGR¨˘FICO DAS PLANTAS MEDICINAIS NATIVAS DO CARIRI PARAIBANO RISING FITOGEOGRAPHICAL OF THE NATIVE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF CARIRI PARAIBANO %A Jose Jakson Amancio Alves %A Sebastiana Santos do Nascimento %J Revista Geogr¨˘fica Acad¨şmica %D 2010 %I Universidade Federal de Goi¨˘s %X The use of medicinal plants is integrant part of the culture native of northeastern Brazil in their more several regions physiographical. With the purpose of performing part of this lacuna, it objectified in this study rescue the registration of the various native plants of Cariri Paraibano emphasizing his several uses in the popular medicine. Like methodological procedures they accomplished the bibliographical census followed by interviews with salesmen of medicinal plants in the region that own great knowledge of the local plants. They were registered 60 species and 34 families, most of these are represented by only a species. The families who presented the biggest number of species were Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Asteraceae and Bromeliaceae, respectively. Among the registered species stood out as more popular for her medicinal properties the next species: Erythrina velutina Willd; Licania rigida Benth, Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Gnaw. & Schult.) T.D. Penn. Subsp., Commiphora leptophloeos(Mart.) J.B. Gillett, Amburana cearensis (German) B.C. Sm, Operculina macrocarpa (L.) Urb., Anadenanthera colubrina var.cebil (Griseb.) Altschul, Myracrodrnonurundeuva Allem o, Been galheirensis Ulbr. %K Cariri Paraibano %K Native Vegetation %K Medicinal Plants %K Fitogeography %U http://rga.ggf.br/index.php?journal=rga&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=126&path%5B%5D=85