%0 Journal Article %T ESTUDO DA QUALIDADE DO AR DO ESTADO DE S O PAULO POR MEIO DE MAPAS AUTO-ORGANIZ¨¢VEIS DE KOHONEN %A Alessandro Martins Alves %A Thiago Gra£¿a Ramos %A Jo£¿o Carlos C. B. Soares de Mello %A Luiz Biondi Neto %J Relat¨®rios de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Produ£¿£¿o %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) %X The present study uses Kohonen self-organizing maps of to analyze the air quality in the stateof S o Paulo. The data source was the CETESB - Environmental Company of S o Paulo. Weuse the Kohonen neural network to group the cities into groups that have homogeneous levelsof pollution, i.e. that have a similar profile of distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere. Theuse of Kohonen neural network helps determine a minimal architecture, capable ofrepresenting the data set. The article identified groups of municipalities which, although notphysically close, belong to the same group of pollution. %K Kohonen Neural Networks %K Clusters %K Air Pollution %U http://www.producao.uff.br/conteudo/rpep/volume112011/RelPesq_V11_2011_13.pdf