%0 Journal Article %T Probl¨¦matique de l¡¯intoxication par un rodenticide non autoris¨¦ ¨¤ la commercialisation en Alg¨¦rie : identification de sa mati¨¨re active The problem of poisoning by a rodenticide not authorised for commercialisation in Algeria : Identification of its active ingredient %A Hadjadj Aoul Fatima-Zohra %A Zamoum Radia %A Aissani Amel %A Aliane Farida %J Annales de Toxicologie Analytique %D 2011 %I %R 10.1051/ata/2011115 %X Objectif : 1136 cas d¡¯intoxications volontaires ou accidentelles ont ¨¦t¨¦ enregistr¨¦s au Centre Antipoison du CHU Bab El Oued d¡¯Alger durant la d¨¦cennie (1998¨C2008), par un produit rodenticide commercialis¨¦ sous le nom de Rat Killer et sans mention de sa composition. La symptomatologie d¨¦crite comporte essentiellement des signes cholinergiques. Afin d¡¯¨¦lucider cette ambigu t¨¦, l¡¯identification du produit s¡¯imposait. M¨¦thodes : Trois techniques chromatographiques ont ¨¦t¨¦ utilis¨¦es : chromatographie sur couche mince, chromatographie en phase gazeuse coupl¨¦e ¨¤ la spectrom¨¦trie de masse et chromatographie liquide coupl¨¦e ¨¤ la spectrom¨¦trie de masse. R¨¦sultats : L¡¯analyse du produit confirm¨¦e par des m¨¦thodes diff¨¦rentes et compl¨¦mentaires, met en ¨¦vidence la pr¨¦sence de Carbofuran, insecticide de la famille des carbamates inhibiteurs de l¡¯activit¨¦ cholin¨¦st¨¦rasique. Conclusion : l¡¯identification du produit a permis de d¨¦noncer une fraude et d¡¯interpeller les pouvoirs publics quant ¨¤ la commercialisation ill¨¦gale et informelle de ces pesticides d¨¦tourn¨¦s de leur usage initial, et qui plus est interdits ¨¤ l¡¯importation en Alg¨¦rie. Par ailleurs, cela a confort¨¦ le clinicien dans la prise en charge de cette intoxication. Objectives: 1136 cases of voluntary or accidental intoxications have been registered at the anti-poison centre of Bab El Oued Academic Hospital during this last decade. These intoxications were due to a rodenticide product marketed under the name ¡°Rat Killer¡± without any information about its components. The reported symptoms were essentially cholinergic signs. The aim of the study was to identify the ¡°Rat Killer¡±¡¯s components. Method: Three chromatographic techniques were used: thin-layer chromatography, liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Results: The product analysis by the three different complementary methods highlighted the presence of Carbofuran, an insecticide belonging to the carbamate family, an inhibitor of cholinesterase activity. Conclusion: The product identification allowed a fraud denunciation and drew the public authorities¡¯ attention to the illegal and unofficial marketing of these pesticides that were diverted from their initial use and that are prohibited for import in Algeria. Moreover, this identification process enabled the clinician to manage this poisoning. %K Intoxication %K signes cholinergiques %K mati¨¨re active %K m¨¦thodes chromatographiques %K identification %K Poisoning %K cholinesterase symptomatology %K active ingredient %K chromatographic methods %K identification %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/ata/2011115