%0 Journal Article %T O CAPITAL COMUNIT¨¢TIO E O PPC: A PARTICIPA O P¨²BLICA, PRIVADA E COMUNIT¨¢RIA NA CONSTRU O DO DESENVOLVIMENTO LOCAL / THE COMMUNITARIAN CAPITAL AND THE PPCP: THE PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND COMMUNITARIAN PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT %A Sebasti£¿o Sib¨¢ Machado Oliveira %J Revista Geogr¨¢fica Acad¨ºmica %D 2009 %I Universidade Federal de Goi¨¢s %X The peasant struggle has as its major feature the battle for control of the main means of production in the rural economy: the land. This struggle, in general, is characterized by subsistence production and its connection to capital is very conflicted and it only happens when rural communities become suppliers of inputs and raw materials for agro-industrial complex. When all the productive rural communitarian organizations move to the stage of medium and high complexity of the production process, they form the "Communitarian Capital" and "PPCP" (Public, Private and Communitarian Participation) that is, the method of local development in which community appropriates the means of production in whole or in part considering all links of agricultural and forestry supply chains promoted by the state. Our study is an evaluation of the trajectory of peasant struggle in Acre in three phases: a) the struggle for land tenure, which began in the 1970s, b) rural social movements and the struggle in the land, and c) the current moment of the industrialization of Acre and the new version of the capital. %K Land %K Capital Community %K Local Development %U http://www.rga.ggf.br/index.php?journal=rga&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=90&path%5B%5D=67