%0 Journal Article %T Satan et la r¨¦volution dans Paradise Lost de Milton traduit par Chateaubriand : Commentaire traductologique du discours de Satan (chant I : vers 622-663) %A Aur¨¦lie Renault %J Intercambio %D 2010 %I Universidade do Porto %X When Chateaubriand translated Paradise Lost by Milton, he revolutionized the universe of translation by offering a perfect imitation of Milton¡®s work. Indeed, he used to call this device ¡°traduire ¨¤ la vitre¡±, which means providing a transparent translation. This way, he remained faithful to the strangeness of the English language and refused any adaptation. However, the translation of a work which to some values related to the English revolution by an author who left for London during the French revolution raises several questions: could the ¡°Enchanteur¡± get rid of his stylistic prints? Didn¡¯t he leave his imprint on Milton¡¯s style? Was the positive side of Satan, assimilated to Freedom, completely depicted in the translation of a counter-revolutionary author? The analysis of Chateaubriand¡¯s translation of Satan¡¯s speech to his troops when the paradise is lost gives an answer to all these questions. %K : literal translation %K Milton %K Chateaubriand %K Satan %K revolution %U http://ler.letras.up.pt/uploads/ficheiros/9814.pdf