%0 Journal Article %T Intoxications par l¡¯azide de sodium : ¨¤ propos de 2 cas Sodium azide intoxications: About two cases %A Gaulier Jean-Michel %A Pouch¨¦ Lucie %A Lamballais Florence %A Saussereau Elodie %J Annales de Toxicologie Analytique %D 2012 %I %R 10.1051/ata/2011137 %X Objectif : L¡¯intoxication par l¡¯azide de sodium est rare, mais g¨¦n¨¦ralement mortelle : nous pr¨¦sentons deux cas d¡¯intoxications fatales, objets d¡¯analyses toxicologiques collaboratives entre 3 laboratoires de toxicologie. M¨¦thodes : Les azotures ont ¨¦t¨¦ recherch¨¦s et dos¨¦s ¨¤ l¡¯aide d¡¯une m¨¦thode de chromatographie liquide coupl¨¦e ¨¤ la spectrophotom¨¦trie UV ¨¤ barrette de diodes apr¨¨s d¨¦rivation par le chlorure de benzoyle. R¨¦sultats : Des azotures ont ¨¦t¨¦ d¨¦cel¨¦s dans diff¨¦rents milieux biologiques (urine, sang, contenu gastrique, poumons, cerveau, c ur¡­) ante, peri et post-mortem, mais l¡¯interpr¨¦tation des concentrations sanguines mesur¨¦es est d¨¦licate en raison de l¡¯instabilit¨¦ in vitro des azotures : la r¨¦alisation de pr¨¦l¨¨vements sanguins sur fluorure de sodium et la conservation des ¨¦chantillons biologiques ¨¤ ¨C20 ¡ãC semble pouvoir ralentir ce ph¨¦nom¨¨ne. Conclusion : D¡¯une mani¨¨re g¨¦n¨¦rale, malgr¨¦ les donn¨¦es de la litt¨¦rature, et les concentrations de cyanures observ¨¦es, il demeure difficile d¡¯¨¦valuer les doses d¡¯azide de sodium prises en fonction des concentrations sanguines d¡¯azotures mesur¨¦es. Objectives: The intoxication with sodium azide is rare, but most of time lethal. We report two fatal cases, for which analysis were performed in three different toxicology laboratories. Methods: Azide determinations were performed using a liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector method after a benzoyl chloride derivation. Results: Azide was detected in several ante, peri and post-mortem biological samples (urine, blood, gastric content, lungs, brain, heart, ¡­) Due to its in vitro instability, the interpretation of the measured blood concentrations was hardly feasible. Nevertheless, blood samples collections on fluoride and preservation of the collected samples at ¨C20¡ãC seem able to limit this phenomenon. Conclusion: As only a few data are available from the literature, and even if they were combined with cyanide concentrations, the azide blood concentrations were not informative enough to estimate the toxic intake. %K Azide de sodium %K intoxication %K chromatographie liquide %K concentrations post-mortem %K instabilit¨¦ %K Sodium azide %K intoxication %K assay %K liquid chromatographic %K post-mortem concentrations %K instability %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/ata/2011137