%0 Journal Article %T Salvador Espriu: una proposta entre el racionalisme cartesi¨¤, la moral pr¨¤ctica de S¨¨neca i la m¨ªstica jueva [Salvador Espriu: a proposal linking Cartesian rationalism, the practical morality of Seneca, and Jewish mysticism] %A Delor i Muns %A Rosa M. %J Zeitschrift f¨¹r Katalanistik %D 2010 %I Alber-Ludwigs-Universit?t %X On the basis of a canon of readings recommended by Salvador Espriu himself, the 21st century reader is invited to participate in the poet¡¯s creative process, which suggests an ethical line of social engagement that is mundane, rational and active and that is based on the conquest of the subject¡¯s freedom. %K subject %K poetry %K truth %K dialectic %K reason %K self-analysis %K organic-work %K kabbala %U http://www.romanistik.uni-freiburg.de/pusch/zfk/23/05_Delor.pdf