%0 Journal Article %T O processo de adapta o estrat¨¦gica da Faculdade Capivari: uma perspectiva hist¨®rica interpretativa %A Ana Paula Matias %A Alessandro de Medeiros %A Carlos Ricardo Rossetto %A Thiago Henrique Almino Francisco %J Revista Gest£¿o Universit¨¢ria na Am¨¦rica Latina : Revista GUAL %D 2013 %I Federal University of Santa Catarina %X The present work approaches the organizational strategic adaptation process in the University of Capivari ¨C FUCAP, private institution of higher education, identifying which were and how they structural changes developed in the period between 2001 and 2011, permitting its permanence in the market in a competitive way. The study will be an interpretativist way, through a case study, with an application of semi structured interview and ordinance, minutes and other file documents. In the process of analysis two distinct approaches have been compared: the Institutional perspective and the one of Resources Dependency. First of all, the text shows a bibliographic review on the perspectives and after discussion on how the use of both, in the analysis of the processes, can contribute for the case understanding. The institutional perspective assures that the organizations resist to the environment pressures in the extension that the tradition of the companies, the environmental context, or both, support such resistance. The Resources Dependency Model postulate that the organizations try to manage their environments and that the variations are conscious and planned answers to the environmental contingencies. The study institution shows these models, with intensity variations, means to avoid that the organization goes into and extinction process. %K Institutional perspective %K Strategic Adaptation %K Resources dependency %K Isomorphism %U http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/gual/article/view/1983-4535.2013v6n1p128/23990