%0 Journal Article %T ANALYSIS OF AUDITORS IN HEALTH AS TO PUBLIC THE PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES OF THE BAHIA STATE %A ¨ªtalo Ricardo Santos Aleluia %A Fabiane Costa Santos %J Revista Gest£¿o & Sa¨²de %D 2013 %I Universidade de Bras¨ªlia %X The audit in the SUS searchers the effectiveness and quality in the actions and healt services given to the population. Although the multiprofessionalism in such activity is recognized nationally, there are categories such as Physiotherapists that not work in the teams, this service being audited by professionals non-technical. Soon, gives credit that this can cause fragilities in the control of the resources and quality of the Physiotherapy services givento the users. This study it had as objective to identify the main difficulties encountered by auditors of the SUS in the services of Physiotherapy in the Bahia State. It is a study of transversal with a convenience sample of 40 auditors of the SUS, trough a semi-structured questionnaire. There are difficulties found had demonstrated a direct relation between the technician knowledge auditor and better or worse performance in the process of auditing of the Physiotherapy, translates the relevance the physiotherapist on audit of team the SUS, since this is the professional who dominates the knowledge technician of the area . %K Management. %K Audit. Unified Healt System %K Physiotherapy. %U http://www.gestaoesaude.unb.br/index.php/gestaoesaude/article/view/328/pdf