%0 Journal Article %T A LOOK AT THE NORTHEAST IN THE EVALUATIN OF POLOS OPEN UNIVERSITY SISTEM OF BRAZIL %A Celso Jos¨¦ da Costa %A Deys Ara¨²jo da Silva %A Larissa Martins Buono %A Marcos Roberto Fernandes Gurgel %J Revista Gest£¿o & Sa¨²de %D 2012 %I Universidade de Bras¨ªlia %X This study presents an extract of the "Teacher Education and Information and Communication Technologies" group participatory research, linked to the Laboratory of Educational Technology of Universidade Federal Fluminense. It evidences the creation of presence support centers to the Open University of Brazil, its centers coordinators and implementation of official evaluations of these centers in the Northeast region. Data from this survey that was conducted in three regions: South, North and Northeast were up composing a path that included interviews pre-structured, cross visits, evaluation questionnaires, monitoring in virtual environment Moodle *, reading reports and analyzes data . We going to delimit in this article an overview of the Northeast region, to situating the educational context in which the centers are located attendance, along with a brief historical context of public policies that emerged in the Open University of Brazil. The result allowed the structure, functioning and demands of the centers of the states of Maranhao, Rio Grande do Norteand Piau¨ª participants of this research, representing the region as a whole: the profile of the 28 (twenty-eight) centers coordinators and especially the basic aspects for evaluation qualifying center. The survey also bring contributions for the qualification evaluation of the centers supporting classroom can contribute to reflections on the definition of public policies aimed at training teachers, especially those that use of distance education, such as the Open University System Brazil. %K Northeast Region %K Public policies for teacher education %K Open University system in Brazil %K Polo presence support %K Assessment centers. %U http://www.gestaoesaude.unb.br/index.php/gestaoesaude/article/view/396/pdf