%0 Journal Article %T Pluig 'n Train - A Component Based Approach %A Alke Martens %A Dennis Maciuszek %A G¨Śraldine Ruddeck %A Martina Weicht %J Interaction Design and Architecture(s) %D 2010 %I Scuola IaD : F&D %X Technology enhanced learning can look back on a comparably long tradition. Surprisingly, the software systems in this field are seldom constructed based on state-of-the art insights in software engineering. Using basic software engineering techniques involves system descriptions on a formal and abstract level, to use patterns for software development, and to implement the system in a re-usable and adaptable way. Our component based framework JaBInT (Java Based Intelligent Tutoring), which is based on a firm software engineering ground, allows for re-usability, adaptability, and flexibility in system development -- and might thus be a basis for teaching and training software used in ubiquitous learning as well. %K component based design %K framework %K game-based learning %U http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/doc/IxDEA_10_2.pdf