%0 Journal Article %T Die Rebh¨¹hner des Eiximenis: Gott r cht auch Mord an Nicht-Christen. (Zum Gedenken seines sechshundertsten Todestages) [The partridges of Eiximenis: on the occasion of the 600th year of his death] %A Wittlin %A Curt %J Zeitschrift f¨¹r Katalanistik %D 2010 %I Alber-Ludwigs-Universit?t %X This article gives an overview of the public and academic activities that have been organized in 2009, the 600th year of the death of the famous Valencian preacher and philosopher, and sheds light on the importance of his work. %K Francesc Eiximenis %K celebrative acts %K Medieval preaching and philosophy %U http://www.romanistik.uni-freiburg.de/pusch/zfk/23/14_Wittlin.pdf