%0 Journal Article %T Urban renewal, migration and memories: The affordances of place-based pedagogies for developing immigrant students¡¯ literate repertoires %A Barbara Comber %A Helen Nixon %J REMIE : Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research %D 2013 %I Hipatia Press %X This paper reports on the New literacy demands in the middle years of schooling project in which the affordances of placed-based pedagogy are being explored through teacher inquiries and classroom-based design experiments. The school is located within a large-scale urban renewal project in which houses are being demolished and families relocated. The original school buildings have recently been demolished and replaced by a large ¡®Superschool¡¯ which serves a bigger student population from a wider area. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data, the teachers reported that the language literacy learning of students (including a majority of students learning English as a second language) involved in the project exceeded their expectations. The project provided the motivation for them to develop their oral language repertoires, by involving them in processes such as conducting interviews with adults for their oral histories, through questioning the project manager in regular meetings, and through reporting to their peers and the wider community at school assemblies. At the same time students¡¯ written and multimodal documentation of changes in the neighbourhood and the school grounds extended their literate and semiotic repertoires as they produced books, reports, films, Powerpoints, visual designs and models of structures. %K urban renewal %K migration %K place-based pedagogies %K spacial literacy %U http://www.hipatiapress.info/hpjournals/index.php/remie/article/view/remie.2012.03/pdf