%0 Journal Article %T SEXUALITY IN THE OPINION OF ADOLESCENTS LIVING IN THE AREA OF COVERAGE IN DR F¨¢BIO CUIAB¨¢ CITY, BRAZIL %A Sebasti£¿o Junior Henrique Duarte %A Valessa Verzeloni de Oliveira Ferreira %A ¨¢quila Santiago Zorman %A Fernando Ant£¿nio Santos e Silva %J Revista Gest£¿o & Sa¨²de %D 2011 %I Universidade de Bras¨ªlia %X Quantitative study aimed to know the understanding of adolescents about their sexuality and how the exercises for further intervention by the health team. We administered a structured questionnaire in a sample of 43 adolescents aged 12 to 19 years living in the area covered by the Family Health Unit Dr. Fabio I and II. The data were tabulated in the spreadsheet program Microsoft Office Excel 2007, allowing for a descriptive treatment, keeping a confidence interval of 95%. The results show that 32.5% of participants had first intercourse between 12 and 16, and 50% of them admit they have used a condom at last intercourse. In addition, 4.6% have had some kind of sexually transmitted disease. The study indicates the need for educational activities in sexual and reproductive health to adolescents facing the neighborhoods studied, with a view to promoting health. %K Primary Health Care %K Adolescent Health %K Sexuality %U http://www.gestaoesaude.unb.br/index.php/gestaoesaude/article/view/110/pdf