%0 Journal Article %T O plano de desenvolvimento institucional e o projeto pedag¨®gico institucional de universidades p¨²blicas: limites organizacionais %A Djair Picchiai %J Revista Gest£¿o Universit¨¢ria na Am¨¦rica Latina : Revista GUAL %D 2012 %I Federal University of Santa Catarina %R http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1983-4535.2012v5n3p23 %X It is noted the difficulty of planning in universities due to lack of a formalized organizational structure in the field of management and in the execution of its activities. The administrative and management processes are performed incidentally, impaired capillarity of the structure as to the information and its flows that will shape and make dynamic the management. The objective of the study was to analyze the Institutional Development Plans (PDIs) and Institutional Pedagogical Projects (PPIs) for selected public universities. It appears, by reading the general statutes and bylaws, that is does not formalize the management activities of the University and the assignments of its administrative organs and their offerings. It only formalizes, in most cases, the responsibilities of governing bodies and boards, damaging the conception and implementation of the plans in the University. In the literature reviewed it was found ways to analyze the issues raised and proposals for planning and institutionalizing. It is believed that the implementation of planning is the key point of this process. Theories explain partially the problems encountered because they are very specific of the public sector and universities. These, in turn, require a different treatment of theories about management and planning. %K Organizational structure %K Information %K Planning %U http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/gual/article/view/1983-4535.2012v5n3p23/23663