%0 Journal Article %T Fonaments catalans en la construcci¨® de la historieta cl¨¤ssica a l¡¯Estat espanyol [Catalan foundations in the delevopment of the classic comics tradition in the Spanish State] %A Baile L¨®pez %A Eduard %J Zeitschrift f¨¹r Katalanistik %D 2012 %I Alber-Ludwigs-Universit?t %X From a historical point of view, Barcelona has been the center of the self-authored publishing market which constituted the main basis of what is known as the classic Spanish cartoon, thanks to, for instance, the significance of imprints such as Bruguera, which used to publish extremely popular characters such as "Mortadelo y Filem¨®n" or "El Capit¨¢n Trueno", and Ediciones TBO. Our principal aim is to analyze how imprints based in Barcelona were a crucial factor for the creation of a genuine publishing market which had an enormous impact across the Spanish state; in doing so, we will also further explain the active presence of imprints in other places, with a special focus on the ones situated in Valencia. %K Barcelona %K Val¨¨ncia %K comic %K cartoon %K historieta %K Catalan %U http://www.romanistik.uni-freiburg.de/pusch/zfk/24/04_Baile.pdf