%0 Journal Article %T El tractament de les construccions amb verb suport en els diccionaris monoling¨šes i biling¨šes de l'alemany i el catal¨¤ [The treatment of support-verb constructions in monolingual and bilingual German and Catalan dictionaries] %A Castell %A Andreu %J Zeitschrift f¨šr Katalanistik %D 2011 %I Alber-Ludwigs-Universit?t %X Taking as a starting point a corpus based on the most representative grammars of the German language, the aim of this paper is to analyze the treatment of support verb constructions in monolingual and bilingual dictionaries of German and Catalan. More specifically, the analysis will focus on the number of support verb constructions in the corpus that appear in these dictionaries and how they are then represented in the entries dedicated to both the participating verbs and nouns. %K Function verbs %K support verbs %K function verbs constructions %K support verbs constructions %K lexicography %K phraseology %U http://www.romanistik.uni-freiburg.de/pusch/zfk/24/09_Castell.pdf