%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯¨¦criture au second degr¨¦ et sa valeur communicationnelle dans le discours po¨¦tique %A Carmen Popescu %J Interlitteraria %D 2013 %I University of Tartu Press %R 10.12697/il.2013.18.1.05 %X Writing in the second degree and its communicational value in poetic discourse. The article takes a look at some poetic strategies pertaining to writing ¡°in the second degree¡±, and their more general implications, mostly from a communicational perspective. The cognitive metaphor of palimpsest covers various forms of rewriting and absorption of discursive otherness. Against this theoretical background, the dialogic-communicative framework is deemed highly adequate for the comparative analysis as a whole and acquires renewed importance in the context of contemporary productions, where ironic double-voicedness, reported discourse, polyphony and intertextuality have become the very texture of poetic discourse. A new reading contract is established by the specificity of postmodern intertextuality, due to its inherent ambivalence towards previous texts. By drawing on examples from the Romanian poets Radu Andriescu, Mircea C rt rescu and Alexandru Mu ina, I argue that the differential re-enunciation of already codified texts and discourses relies, for its illocutionary and communicational impact, on the deliberate vacillation between pastiche and parody. %K palimpsest %K writing in the second degree %K rewriting %K dialogism %K poetic communication %U http://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/IL/article/view/1013