%0 Journal Article %T Mobilidade acad¨ºmica em perspectiva: experi¨ºncias da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto %A Adilson Pereira dos Santos %A Hermelinda Gomes Dias %J Revista Gest£¿o Universit¨¢ria na Am¨¦rica Latina : Revista GUAL %D 2012 %I Federal University of Santa Catarina %X The Brazilian higher education has seen in recent years, a significant expansion of academic mobility nationally and or internationally, with emphasis on the exchange of students. This is the object of reflection of the article, which begins with a discussion of the break with the minimum curricula and the advent of the national curriculum guidelines, whose main feature is the curricular flexibility. For the authors, academic mobility should be considered in this context. Thus, we present the experience of a federal university, that through three specific programs, has been promoting student exchange with institutions in Brazil and abroad. It appears, however, that this mobility as incipient experience, needs institutional actions, seeking its assimilation in the political-pedagogical projects of courses, from the perspective of curriculum guidelines. %K Academic mobility %K Curricular flexibility %K Internationalization %U http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/gual/article/view/1983-4535.2012v5n4p172/23686