%0 Journal Article %T Senior Faculty Members' Attitudes in Jordanian Universities towards Using Information and Communication Technology %A Mahmoud Abu Qudais %A Mosleh Al-Adhaileh %A Aieman Al-Omari %J International Arab Journal of e-Technology %D 2010 %I Arab Open University %X The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors affecting the attitude of the seniors of faculty memberstowards using technology especially in their teaching activities. The study addresses the following questions: (1) Do seniorinstructors at Jordan universities have enough knowledge and skill to practice using ICTs in their teaching activities? (2)What is the degree of senior instructors' attitudes towards ICTs? And (3) Is there a significant difference in attitudes towardsICTs with instructors grouped by gender, college type, teaching experience, university type, and country of Ph.D.? Apurposive sample of 251 faculty members who are seniors; that represents the population was chosen. In response to thesurvey, 226 responses were received, 167 male and 59 female responses.To answer the first question of this study: We foundthat senior instructors do have the basic necessary knowledge and skills, but focused training on ICTs in instruction should beconsidered here. As we mentioned, the seniors¡¯ attitude towards this matter is clearly positive and most of them willing to betrained to practice that. Results indicated no significant differences in senior faculty members attitudes toward ICTs related totheir gender, college, experience, university, and country of PhD. %K e-learning %K Senior Faculty Members %K Attitudes %K Information and Communication Technology %K Jordanian %U http://www.iajet.org/iajet_files/vol.1/no.4/Senior%20Faculty%20Members%20Attitudes%20in%20Jordanian%20Universities%20towards%20Using%20Information%20and%20Communication%20Technology_doc.pdf