%0 Journal Article %T Abstract %A Fernando Garcia-Trejo %A Silvia Laura Hurtado-Gonzalez %A Genaro Soto-Zaraz¨²a %A Oscar Alatorre-Jacome %J Neotropical Ichthyology %D 2013 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia %X Studies on the biological aspects of fish typically focus on species that currently have commercial value, causing species that lack such market value to be ignored. This is the case of several freshwater fish, specifically of several members of the Goodeidae family. In the State of Quer¨¦taro there are several species of this family characterized for being viviparous and having distinctive sexual dimorphism that may have commercial potential. The subject of this study is Girardinichthys multiradiatus, a viviparous fish endemic to the upper-half of the Lerma River basin. The lack of knowledge regarding its biology and ecology has prevented the development of guidelines to manage its habitat and to preserve its population. The objective was to determine the ecophysiological responses of G. multiradiatus to its environmental management. From the sampling (24 hours every two months) population structure and dynamics were analyzed throughout a hydrological cycle using meristic data (standard length). Trophic and ecophysiological responses to fluctuations in environmental factors were also identified. Although the mexcalpique is a polytrophic species, results show that it prefers feeding on Diptera or Cladocera, while detritus is the third substance frequently found in their stomachs. Environmentally, the water regime is responsible for fluctuations in the population dynamics of the species, while temperature changes are the most influence its energy balance. These results can guide efforts to conserve this species and its habitat. Los estudios sobre aspectos biol¨®gicos de los peces se centran, generalmente, en especies que actualmente tienen inter¨¦s comercial, lo que ocasiona que las especies que carecen de tal valor en el mercado est¨¦n pr¨¢cticamente olvidadas; tal es el caso de varios peces de agua dulce y m¨¢s espec¨ªficamente de algunos integrantes de la familia Godeidae. En el estado de Quer¨¦taro se encuentran varias especies pertenecientes a esta familia que se caracterizan por ser viv¨ªparas y presentar un marcado dimorfismo sexual, aspectos que pudieran definir un potencial comercial. El pez objeto de este estudio es Girardinichthys multiradiatus, especie end¨¦mica de la parte alta-media de la cuenca del r¨ªo Lerma; los lugares donde habita presentan procesos de degradaci¨®n, fragmentaci¨®n del h¨¢bitat y extracci¨®n de agua, que ponen en riesgo su existencia. Adem¨¢s, la falta de conocimiento sobre su biolog¨ªa y ecolog¨ªa, no permiten que se elaboren pautas de gesti¨®n de sus poblaciones o h¨¢bitats con fines de conservaci¨®n y preservaci¨®n de la especie o de los p %K Bioenergetics %K Conservation %K Deterioration %K Population dynamic %K Trophic spectrum %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252013000100117