%0 Journal Article %T Analysis of artisanal fisheries in two reservoirs of the upper Paran芍 River basin (Southeastern Brazil) %A Jos谷 Lu赤s Costa Novaes %A Edmir Daniel Carvalho %J Neotropical Ichthyology %D 2013 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia %X We compared the artisanal fisheries, in terms of catch strategies, productivity, and gross per capita income, at two reservoirs: the Barra Bonita (an eutrophic reservoir with some introduced species), and the Jurumirim (an oligotrophic reservoir, with no introduced species). Published data and structured interviews with fishers were used to evaluate fishing activity, fish biomass, and the financial performance of the fisheries. In the Barra Bonita Reservoir we analysed data from 745 fishing trips, from which 86,691.9 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 62.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was tilapia (71,513.5 kg; CPUE of 51.5 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 82.5% of the biomass caught. In the Jurumirim Reservoir, we analysed data from 2,401 fishing trips, from which 25,093.6 kg of fish were landed, with a mean CPUE of 10.4 kg/fisher-1 day-1. The main type of fish caught was "tra赤ra" (6,158.6 kg; CPUE of 2.6 kg/fisher-1 day-1), which constituted 24.5% of the biomass caught. Ordination analysis (PCA) indicated that there was a difference in composition between the fishing reservoirs and ANCOVA showed that there was a significant difference in fish production between the reservoirs. A Student's t-test showed that fishers in the Barra Bonita Reservoir had a significantly higher gross per capita income than those from the Jurumirim Reservoir. Although the Barra Bonita Reservoir has a higher fish production and the fishers earn a higher gross per capita income, we recommend the Jurumirim Reservoir as a model for artisanal fishery management because fishing activity in this reservoir is viable in the long term and such a model would promote conservation and sustainability. This contrasts with the Barra Bonita Reservoir, in which the fishery is not viable in the long term, due to environmental problems caused by artificial eutrophication and the introduction of alien species. It is also noted that in many countries, management of fisheries based on exotic species has not been viable in the long term. N車s comparamos a pesca artesanal, em termo de estrat谷gia de captura, produtividade e renda per capita bruta em dois reservat車rios: Barra Bonita (reservat車rio eutr車fico e com esp谷cies introduzidas) e Jurumirim (reservat車rio oligotr車fico e sem esp谷cies introduzidas). Dados publicados e entrevistas estruturadas mensais com os pescadores sobre a atividade de pesca, quilo pescado e rendimento financeiro, foram usados para as an芍lises. No reservat車rio de Barra Bonita foram analisados dados de 745 viagens pesqueiras, que desembarcaram 86.691, %K Barra Bonita Reservoir %K Fish %K Jurumirim Reservoir %K Paranapanema River %K Tiet那 River %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252013005000213