%0 Journal Article %T Effect of variety and cane yield on sugarcane potential trash Efecto de las variedades y su rendimiento cultural en la biomasa residual potencial %A Eduardo R. Romero %A Jorge Scandaliaris %A Patricia A. Digonzelli %A Luis G. Alonso %J Revista Industrial y Agr赤cola de Tucum芍n %D 2009 %I Estaci車n Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres %X Low environmental impact production systems are a major concern in agroindustry and society, with food and sugarcane production being one of the areas where sustainability is a high priority. Green cane harvesting emerges as an important alternative for a cleaner production system, since it excludes the burning of residues, conserves soil and insolves the possibility of energy generation. An estimation of potential sugarcane available trash is very important in order to define management strategies. A research was carried out to determine the amount of dry trash available in cane fields before (SPT) and after green cane harvesting (SFT). Also, the relationship between SPT and SFT was studied in order to validate the precision of SPT as an SFT predictor using green cane combine harvesting for the main cultivated varieties in the sugarcane-growing area of Tucum芍n (LCP 85-384, TUCCP 77-42, CP 65-357 and RA 87-3). An increase in SPT was associated to cane yielding/ha, ranging from 6.9 to 16.0 t/ha of SPT for 32 to 104 t/ha of cane yielding. LCP 85-384 and CP 65-357 produced the highest amount of dry trash before harvest, while TUCCP 77-42 produced the least for similar cane yielding. Simultaneously the DT/CY ratio decreased with a mean value around 16% of cane yield and its use for estimating SPT was limited, as low coefficients of determination highlight. SPT appropriately predicted SFT under green cane combine harvesting conditions and the former one could be estimated using cane yielding/ha. La implementaci車n de sistemas productivos con bajo impacto ambiental es una preocupaci車n tanto para la agroindustria como para la sociedad, resultando la producci車n de az迆car una de las 芍reas donde la sustentabilidad es un objetivo prioritario y alcanzable. La cosecha en verde de la ca a de az迆car aparece como una importante alternativa para conformar sistemas de producci車n m芍s limpios, prescindiendo de la quema de material vegetal y residuos de cosecha, conservando el suelo y ofreciendo una posibilidad para la generaci車n de energ赤a. Una estimaci車n del potencial de residuos disponible de la ca a de az迆car cobra gran relevancia en el momento de definir estrategias de manejo. Se realiz車 un estudio para determinar la cantidad de biomasa residual disponible en los ca averales en forma previa (SPT) y posterior (SFT) a la cosecha mecanizada en verde para las principales variedades cultivadas en la provincia de Tucum芍n (LCP 85-384, TUCCP 77-42, CP 65-357 y RA 87-3). Adem芍s, se estudi車 la relaci車n entre SPT y SFT a fin de validar la precisi車n de SPT como predictor de SFT en %K Producci車n de ca a %K Biomasa residual seca %K Ca a verde %K Cosecha mecanizada %K Sugarcane production %K Dry trash %K Green cane %K Combine harvesting %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1851-30182009000100002