%0 Journal Article %T O processo hist¨®rico dos quilombos e o caso de Furnas de Dion¨ªsio %A Luiz Eduardo Pinto Barros %J Revista IDeAS : Interfaces em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro %X The present article contemplates the historical and social universe of black peasants gathered in the agricultural black communities, nowadays knows as remaining communities of quilombos, as regarding reports by the Cultural Foundation Palmares. We researched the cultural universe of Furnas de Dion¨ªsio, a black community under actions from the Instituto Nacional de Coloniza o e Reforma Agr¨¢ria (INCRA). Our aim was to discuss the socio-cultural issue of the community as an object of historical analysis. The reflection on the history of this community is a contribution to the advance of the studies on African history in Brazil and expects to offer data for new discussions and research %K black peasants %K social history %K regional aspects %U http://r1.ufrrj.br/cpda/ideas/revistas/v05/n01/IDeAS-v05_n01-Artigo_BARROS.pdf