%0 Journal Article %T Notes from the church of the Virgin at the island of Mali grad %A Cvetkovski Sa£¿o %J Zograf %D 2010 %I Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade %R 10.2298/zog1034111c %X In this text the unknown parts of the wall paintings from the Church of the Virgin at the island of Mali Grad (The Great Prespa Lake) are analyzed: the figure of a monk praying to St. Paraskeve, on the southern wall of the nave, as well as the painting on the southern fa¨¹ade with the depictions of St. George on horseback, the Virgin as Empress enthroned, and the bust of two saints, St. Paraskeve and St. Nicholas. The monk is identified with the hegoumenos Jona, mentioned in the donor¡¯s inscription dating from 1369. %K Church of the Virgin on Mali Grad %K The Great Prespa Lake %K St. Paraskeve %K monk %K hegoumenos %K St. George %K Archbishopric of Ohrid %K Byzantine painting %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-1361/2010/0350-13611034111C.pdf