%0 Journal Article %T Globaliza o, Conven o Quadro para o controle do tabaco e as disputas pelos rumos dos territ¨®rios fumicultores %A Alex Alexandre Mengel %A Vivien Diesel %J Revista IDeAS : Interfaces em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade %D 2009 %I Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro %X The direction and trends of tobacco grower territories generate to conflicts between present and interdependent actors for at least four decades. The formulation of an international treaty (the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ¨C FCTC) aggravates this dispute, adding new elements to it. Therefore, this paper seeks to examine how determinations set at global level affect social dynamics at local level. For this purpose, we seek to establish a look at the conflicts in the tobacco grower territories triggered by the FCTC construction. In addressing the theme, we seek to identify the "future project" contained in the FCTC, the strategies adopted by political and administrative levels to compel the implementation of FCTC deliberations regarding tobacco grower territories. We also present a first approximation to the social dynamics associated with the implementation of these public policies. The study of conflicts in such territories, since the FCTC construction, is relevant to reflect on the implications of new forms of governance emerging from globalization %K Tobacco Control %K Tobacco Grower Territories %K Tobacco %U http://r1.ufrrj.br/cpda/ideas/revistas/v03/n02/IDeAS-v03_n02-Artigo_ALEX_MENGEL_e_VIVIEN_DIESEL.pdf