%0 Journal Article %T Mo ambique: processos de participa o das comunidades rurais no desenvolvimento local %A Andr¨¦ Camanguira Nguiraze %A Jussara Danielle Martins Aires %J Revista IDeAS : Interfaces em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro %X The mechanism of centralized management of State in Mozambique, coupled with errors of strategy of social forestry to promote local, regional and national development, made the actual capacity of participation of social actors in this process was rarely discussed up to now. This article reflects on the mechanisms of expression and social inclusion of individuals in territorial governance. Our central hypothesis for territorial/rural development in Mozambique, takes into account the choice possibilities in the symmetrical view of the mediators in the processe of decision-making. The methodology was qualitative character in rural Mozambique.The population of Mozambican rural communities may be able to decide and therefore participate effectively in local development process. This points innovative alternatives, triggering the process of building citizenship. %K community %K local development %K citizen participation %U http://r1.ufrrj.br/cpda/ideas/revistas/v05/n01/IDeAS-v05_n01-Artigo_NGUIRAZE_e_AIRES.pdf