%0 Journal Article %T Creating real network with expected degree distribution: A statistical simulation %A WenJun Zhang %A GuangHua Liu %J Network Biology %D 2012 %I International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences %X The degree distribution of known networks is one of the focuses in network analysis. However, its inverse problem, i.e., to create network from known degree distribution has not yet been reported. In present study, a statistical simulation algorithm was developed to create real network with expected degree distribution. It is aniteration procedure in which a real network, with the least deviation of actual degree distribution to expected degree distribution, was created. Random assignment was used in the creation of connections. The Java program was designed. It may produce adjacency matrix, connection details, and actual degree distribution of the network created. %K network %K creation %K degree distribution %K statistical simulation %U http://www.iaees.org/publications/journals/nb/articles/2012-2(3)/creating-real-network-with-expected-degree-distribution.pdf