%0 Journal Article %T Some thoughts on the control of network systems %A Alessandro Ferrarini %J Network Biology %D 2011 %I International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences %X The controllability of network-like systems is becoming a trendy key-issue in many disciplines, including ecology and biology. To control a biological, ecological or economic system is to make it behave according to our wishes, at the least possible cost. In this paper, I propose some ideas on networks control that do not precisely follow recent papers on the argument. By the way, since this scientific topic is still in open evolution, discordant thoughts might be helpful to the debate. %K network control %K driver nodes %K driver links %K external control %K networks taxonomy %U http://www.iaees.org/publications/journals/nb/articles/2011-1(3-4)/some-thoughts-on-the-control-of-network-systems.pdf