%0 Journal Article %T Funcionalidad de la alfabetizaci¨®n informativa y sus ¨¢mbitos de actuaci¨®n: aproximaciones a los entornos mexicano y espa ol %A Javier Tarango %A Miguel ¨¢ngel Marzal %J Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecolog¨ªa %D 2011 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X Through this article we approach the study field of the information literacy, from a global perspective starting from its definition of terminology and its link with the informative to arrive to a specific analysis about the terminological overview in the Spanish language. Then we advise the development of mechanisms of common tendency for the integration of patterns according to this language. We take into account that information literacy has a broad link with the library environments and that also deals with a range of application possibilities (digital libraries and resource centers, etc.) and with the detection of new ways of educational work such as: e-learning, blending learning, collaborative learning and ionic reading, requiring the development of new skills. The second part of the article is focused on the vision of the information literacy in application outlines beyond the library itself for research projects in academic fields specifically related with its incorporation into the curriculum (specially of graduate) as a cross sectional part of itself. We propose the possibility to develop a cooperative research between Mexico and Spain, taking into consideration their good practices as well as their necessities for knowledge generation through the presentation of a set of concrete proposals identified in both countries. %K Informative literacy %K informative skills %K new ways of reading %K cooperative research %U http://aprendeenlinea.udea.edu.co/revistas/index.php/RIB/article/view/11967/10845