%0 Journal Article %T CARDIOVASCULAR REACTIONS OF YOUNG SKIERS BASEDON CHANGES IN ALTITUDE %A Zvezdan Savic %A Nenad Stojiljkovic %A Dejan Lolic %J Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health %D 2012 %I Faculty of Physical Culture, Skopje %X Effects from acute exposure of body to higher altitudes on the cardiovascular system have been extensively investigated. Unfortunately, only a small number of studies have investigated the effects of higher altitude on the population of women and children. This research deals with the examination of acute effects of stay at an altitude of 630 meters and 3250 meters, changes in blood pressure and heart rate. Sample consists of six skiers, aged 10 to 11, of both sexes, who stayed in the Hintertux in Austria during November, 2010. Blood pressure and heart rate have been measured by the standard products equipment (OMRON M1) twice a day, in the morning, in rest at 630 meters, in the evening, before bedtime also in rest, at the same altitude. During the day subjects stayed at 3250 meters where they have done ski training techniques. The research has determined and allowed small fluctuations in blood pressure and heart frequency. %K blood pressure %K heart frequency %K changes %K skiing %K altitude %U http://www.pesh.mk/PDF/Vol_1_No_1/21.pdf